Initial Burn Care - An Introduction To The Care Of Burn Victims, For Firefighters

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

In considering a burn injury one must recognise it is a curious form of trauma in that every member of the public has at some time or other suffered it to some degree. Yet this type of injury can range from trivial and minor injuries, through to the most massive and complex.

The details..

"Initial Burn Care" by Eric Rule is an essential read for any firefighter or first responder who may come across burn victims. The book provides detailed information on identifying different types of burns and calculating their extent, as well as initial management techniques that can be employed before reaching the hospital environment.

The author highlights the devastating effects that severe burns can have not only on the victim but also on those treating them. Burns disrupt skin integrity and interfere with major functions such as temperature regulation, sensory perception, immune response, protection from bacterial invasion, and control of fluid loss. A significant burn injury can lead to shock which if left untreated could result in organ failure especially renal.

The book covers various causes of burns including fire exposure; corrosive chemicals; electrical shocks; friction with hot surfaces; overexposure to sunlight or radioactive substances; contact with cold objects like freezing metals. Scalds are another common cause where children under three years old suffer most frequently due to carelessness around boiling water or hot fat among other things.

In case you encounter a burnt victim during your rescue mission it's important not just treat their wounds immediately without assessing their overall condition first - this includes checking airway patency (smoke inhalation), breathing rate/volume/equality (chest expansion), circulation status (bleeding) & neurological function level using AVPU mnemonic technique.

Resource Info

Page count: 11
Size: 235kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
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Defensive Skills